Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Baseline Group Welcomes Lucy Lippard

Lucy Lippard: People and Place: Why Ecology Matters

Thursday, January 20, 2011

7:30 PM

University of Colorado Visual Arts Complex,

Auditorium 1B20 (lower level).

Free and open to the public.

Please join us in welcoming internationally known author, arts curator, culture critic and activist Lucy Lippard to the Visual Arts Complex on January 20th at 7:30 PM. Ms. Lippard will speak on “People and Place: Why Ecology Matters.” Her presentation is sponsored by CU’s Art and Art History Department, The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center’s Rocky Flats Nuclear Guardianship project, and The Baseline Group, an initiative within the Department of Art and Art History that focuses on community and site-based art practices. The lecture will take place at the University of Colorado’s Visual Arts Complex, Room 1B20 (lower level). There is no charge for admission; the public is invited.

Lucy R. Lippard is a writer/curator/editor/lecturer/activist, author of 21 books on contemporary art and cultural criticism, most recently Down Country: The Tano of the Galisteo Basin, 1250-1782 (Museum of New Mexico Press, 2010), The Lure of the Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentered Society, and On the Beaten Track: Tourism, Art, and Place (The New Press, 1997, 1999). She is a recipient of seven honorary degrees, a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Lannan Grant among other awards. Her most recent curatorial venture was Weather Report: Art and Climate Change (Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, 2007). She lives in rural Galisteo, New Mexico where she is on the County Traditional Community Planning Committee and for 14 years has edited the monthly community newsletter: El Puente de Galisteo.

This lecture is part of a larger series being organized by The Rocky Flats Nuclear Guardianship project which is co-sponsored by Naropa University's
Environmental Studies program and the Alandi Ashram of Boulder. This community-based initiative consists of a six-month series of sixteen presentations and workshops. For more detail about the entire project, including a calendar of events and bios of presenters, visit